What To Expect
We are grateful that you are taking the time to visit our website. Please surf around and enjoy our various ministries we offer to the Body of Christ and the local community. We offer Live Streaming during our Sunday, Wednesday and Special Events worship service.
We invite you to bless us with your presence so that you may receive Excellent Covenant Powerhouse Ministry’s worship experience. We anticipate your welcome in advance, so do not hesitate to bring your family and friends.
You may have some questions about who we are, so here are some questions that will assist you:
What Kind of Church is ECPM?This is a nondenominational church. Driven by praying, fasting, holy living and bible believing, Full Gospel Church, established on the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles, where application of all spiritual gifts work and distribute through believers as He, The Holy Spirit wills. [I Corinthians 12:11] “But all these worketh that one and the self same Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he wills.”
What time and how long are Worship Services?Our Worship services are: Sunday Worship Service: 11AM-1PM Wednesday Night Bible Study: 7PM-8PM Monday & Wednesday Intercessory Prayer: 12PM
Where will my Children go?We have a children’s church located behind our main sanctuary. Your children will follow a similar worship service as our main sanctuary worshipers. They will have sing, pray and receive the Word of God from one of our ordained ministers. Each child will have bible study that is age appropriate in understanding our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Our children’s Ministry has four age divisions where learning in small groups can be effective:
Joshua Generation: Newborn to 2 Years Old Kings Kids: 3-6 Years Old Mighty Sampson’s: 7-9 Years Old Warrior Saints: 10-12 Years Old
For more children's information, click here.
What should I wear?We often wear casual to classic dress, however, God desires the heart of people to come as they are able without forsaking the Assembly of God. We believe God as it states in Joel 2:13, “so rend your heart, and not your garments”. We understand that people have varies standards of dress so we have included at ECPM that every third Sunday is our “dress down” which includes sportswear to casual dress.
Will I be required to give an Offering?At ECPM we conduct two standard offerings a week, one during Sunday worship and one during Wednesday night Bible Study. We ask that you allow God to lead you in giving according to your heart. We do not mandate offering but we believe what Jesus Christ declares in Acts 20:35, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Does ECPM take Communion?We do partake in Communion at least twice a month. We believe that the Communion is the Lord’s Table and it represents the Body and the Blood of Jesus Christ. In I Corinthians 11:23-26 explains the symbolic significance of the bread and the blood that sealed a New Covenant with Him, so we do Communion in remembrance of why Jesus died for us.
As a visitor will I have to say anything?You as a visitor are our special guess, so we desire to acknowledge you as our first time visitor. You will not need to say anything, but we want to extend our greetings to you in the fellowship of love.
What if I have a prayer request?We have a Prayer Request Tab on our website. We invite you to submit your prayer requests so that it can be forwarded to our Intercessory Ministry and we will contact you if necessary. Nevertheless, we are a praying Church and we offer Noon Day prayer and Friday Night Corporate prayer at 7PM. CLICK DIRECTIONS TO ECPM
Will I meet the Pastor?Our Pastors always desire to meet and greet God’s people. They are transparent, approachable and filled with the Love of God. They truly walk out the passage set forth in Jeremiah 3:15, “And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.”
Can I be Water Baptized?Yes. We have a Baptismal Pool located in our Sanctuary. We will conduct Baptism on request of the individual. We believe Water Baptism is one of the integral acts of receiving the fullness of the Godhead-Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Baptism must represent, to each believer, the understanding of atonement, forgiveness and repentance. We will teach the understanding of Baptism to each believer before partaking of Baptism so that they are consciously aware that this passage is a consecration and a cleansing of their sins.
Since this is a special time in the believers walk of salvation we encourage family, friends and a cloud of witnesses to celebrate your outward confession for your inward experience with the Jesus Christ.
ROMANS 6:4, “Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.”
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