Excellent Covenant Powerhouse Ministries

House of Mercy Outreach

House of Mercy


“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,

Because He has anointed Me
To preach the gospel to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are oppressed...LUKE 4:18




Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

Life is not just about “us.” We are to go beyond ourselves to reach out to other people. To give comfort to those who are hurting, to give supplies to those who are in need, to give the Word of God to those who are without Him or desiring to know Him better. Acts 20:35 reminds us that “the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” We never will know how blesses life really can be unless we reach out with the love of God to the world around us.



Mission & Vision

Our Mission as an Outreach

To restore hope and provide opportunities for people to become all that God intends them to be by putting our Christian faith into action through service to the community.


We also want to Inspire, encourage and equip the members of the congregation for sharing Christ in word and deed in the community and the world.


Our Vision

ECPM Outreach Ministry is dedicated to putting this mission into action by providing a full range of charitable services. These services assist in restoring dignity to people and help people realize their God-given potential as uniquely gifted individuals in their family, community and relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ.


Objectives, Why, How & What You Can Do


  1. To preach the un-compromised message of the Gospel to all in our community - Evangelism is our main occupation.
  2. To establish and maintain facilities for Clothing and Food in order to help those in need and under privileged.
  3. To promote a sense of understanding and mutual co-operations among the generality of Christians irrespective of their denominational affiliation, race, social status, sex, age, or handicap.
  4. To allow others to associate and join with this ministry who have like vision and unity of purpose; joining together to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ.


From its initial organization as a community of Christ-followers, Excellent Covenant Powerhouse Ministries has valued the importance of missions and outreach in fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. Out of our love for Christ and in obedience to His commands we are called to share His love with all people and to proclaim the gospel to those who have not heard. Our deepest desire is to further God’s kingdom by being used by the Holy Spirit to bring people into a relationship with Jesus Christ and to help them grow and mature in the Christian faith.

  • Matthew 28:18-20 Great Commission
  • Romans 10:14-15
  • Luke 19:10
  • Habakkuk 2:14


How do we go about sharing the love of Jesus Christ “in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth”? Through evangelism and service opportunities that exemplify Christ’s example of courageous compassion; by training, equipping and sending ECPM members to go and be the face, hands and feet of Jesus to those who are hurting physically, emotionally and spiritually.

  • Acts 1:8
  • Ephesians 4:12-13
  • 2 Timothy 1:7


What can you do?

A Christ-centered life requires actions that reflect the heart of Jesus Christ. It is important for every Christian to discover their unique giftedness and to use those gifts to glorify God. Use what God has given you in terms of time, talent and treasures for His glory. Pray for those who have not ever heard the gospel or for those who are sent to share God’s love.

  • Matthew 25:35-36
  • 2 Timothy 1:7
  • 1 Peter 4:10
  • Matthew 5:13-16
  • Ephesians 2:10


Our Goals

The central message of the Bible is the story of salvation through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. God’s mission is to restore his fallen creation by making all things new. This mission began to take shape in the Old Testament through the people of Israel and is fulfilled in the New Testament through the ministry of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit empowered work of the Christian Church. Jesus’ death accomplished God’s victory over sin; His resurrection made possible a new life of faith-filled living in the power of the Holy Spirit.


The church answers God’s call to carry out his redemptive plan through programs of worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and evangelism.


Worship – Provide inspiring worship that invites people into a life-renewing relationship with Jesus Christ. Worship is our collective expression of adoration, reverence, and love for God. We recognize that worship services are often the first contact non-Christians or new believers have with ECPM. We commit that our worship activities will be meaningful to all levels of spiritual inquiry and maturity. We invite people to respond to the gospel with praise, prayer, and life change through creative and relevant worship.


Fellowship – Facilitate authentic fellowship that welcomes and enfolds people. Fellowship is our gathering together as friends and family in Christ to encourage, share, and enjoy one another—and to enfold newcomers to ECPM. Fellowship activities at ECPM will be designed to enable members and non-members who regularly attend to develop stronger bonds of friendship. We support and guide each other with grace and honesty on the journey of faith in Jesus Christ.


Discipleship – Promote Biblical discipleship that offers foundational scriptural teaching. Discipleship is the process of developing spiritual maturity through Bible reading, classes, seminars, and personal time with God. Discipleship activities at ECPM will help prepare anyone who is serious about his or her Christian faith to grow up in Christ. We call each other to understanding, commitment, and growth that bear spiritual fruit reflective of the Lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives.


Ministry – Encourage meaningful ministry that expresses God’s love and grace in our church and community. Ministry is our commitment to demonstrate the love of Christ within our church and to our community. Every member will be assisted in discovering where God has gifted them for service and then challenged to perform that service. We use our spiritual gifts, abilities, prior experiences, passions, resources, and time in gratitude to Jesus Christ and in service to our neighbors.


Evangelism – Proclaim the life-changing message of Jesus Christ to un-churched people throughout the world. Evangelism expresses our desire to share the life-changing message of Jesus Christ with people near and far. Evangelism activities will be carried out in our community. We engage in and support the work of evangelism so that many may believe.



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